Proteus/2 Sound Patches

This page contains a number of Proteus/2 Sysex patch banks. They were collected from various sources. For my uses, I've grouped some of them into logical divisions to make it easier to find things.

If you're currently running the factory defaults in patch locations 64 through 127, you don't need to save them since the factory defaults are included here. Otherwise, save your user presets before you load any of these banks. These banks WILL OVERWRITE your current user patch locations 64 through 127!

All banks were saved from the Proteus/2 user area (patches 64 thru 127) using the SEND MIDI DATA - User Presets item in the Proteus/2 master menu. The data was received by Cakewalk and then saved to the indicated Sysex file names. The Proteus/2 ID must be set to unit 00 to load the patch banks back into your Proteus/2. Use your sequencer software or other sysex transmission program to send the patch banks to your unit.

If you have trouble loading the patch bank .SYX files into your computer sequencer program, you may need to use a standalone Sysex Utility program. Check the ones listed on my FAQ page.


Note: All sysex files listed on this page are contained in PR2_ALL.ZIP (58k). Please download this file and extract the desired patch banks. You can obtain the ZIP file extraction utility from this site.

Proteus/2 Setup Functions
  PR2_OFF.SYX  - Sets all MIDI channel enables to OFF.
  PR2_ON.SYX   - Sets all MIDI channel enables to ON.
  PR2_TO_P.SYX - Sets all channel pans to P.
  PR2_MAP.SYX  - Sets the program/patch map to factory default.  

Proteus/2 Brass Patches
PR2_BRAS.SYX - Uses patch locations 64 through 120. (17k)
  64 - 2 Eng Hrns          86 - FrenchHorn 2      108 - Trombones
  65 - 2 trps 8va          87 - FrnHornTrmpt      109 - Trumpet 1
  66 - Back Brass          88 - FusionHorn 1      110 - Trumpet 2
  67 - Backbone            89 - FusionHorn 2      111 - Trumpet CB
  68 - Bassoon/Horn        90 - GoofyHorns        112 - Tuba
  69 - Bob Trumpets        91 - Harmon Mute       113 - Tuba 8va
  70 - Bone&Trumpet        92 - Hill Horn         114 - Tuba Lead
  71 - Bone&Tuba           93 - Horn Vel+whl      115 - Two Trumpets   
  72 - BrassSect           94 - Horse             116 - Verb Horn
  73 - BrassStrings        95 - Krummhorns        117 - Verb Ob/Eng
  74 - Bright Brass        96 - Piccolo Tpt       118 - Xfade Fr Hrn
  75 - Bronze Pad          97 - Pluck d'Bras      119 - Xfade Tpt
  76 - Chamber Brass       98 - Sax               120 - Xprsv Cornet
  77 - Clarinet/Tpt        99 - SectionHorns      121 - Verb Wind 2
  78 - D Trumpet          100 - Sfz Brass         122 - VerbClarinet
  79 - DblReeds/Hrn       101 - SfzOctBrass       123 - Whistl'n Joe
  80 - English Horn       102 - SfzOctLink        124 - Wind 1/2
  81 - Fat Boy Tuba       103 - Stones&Bones      125 - Wind Stack
  82 - Fat Section        104 - StringStack       126 - WindEnsemble
  83 - FHorn              105 - SuperFatSctn      127 - Winter Signs
  84 - FluteHorn          106 - Trombone 1
  85 - FrenchHorn         107 - Trombone 2

Proteus/2 Woodwind Patches
PR2_WOOD.SYX - Uses patch locations 64 through 127. (17k)
  64 - 2 Bassoons          86 - DblReeds/Hrn       108 - Piccolodeeyo  
  65 - 2 Clarinets         87 - Divertimento       109 - PiccoloPeace
  66 - 2 Flutes            88 - Dos Obos           110 - Pipe Dream
  67 - Alto Flute          89 - Double Reeds       111 - Pizz/Piccolo
  68 - Asian Reed          90 - EgyptianReed       112 - Recorder
  69 - Astral Flute        91 - Epilogue           113 - SectionHorns
  70 - BassClar 8va        92 - Flute              114 - SectionWinds
  71 - BassClarinet        93 - Flute Pan L        115 - Soft Flute
  72 - Bassoon             94 - Flute Pan R        116 - Sombre Winds
  73 - Bassoon/Horn        95 - Flute/Oboe         117 - Synthreed
  74 - Bassoon/Picc        96 - FluteHorn          118 - Verb Fl/Ob.
  75 - C.Bsn/Dbl Bs        97 - Hi Wind Solo       119 - Verb Ob/Eng
  76 - Chamber Wind        98 - Lo Wind Inst       120 - Verb Wind 1
  77 - Clar./Bassn.        99 - Oboe               121 - Verb Wind 2
  78 - Clar./Flute        100 - OboePressure       122 - VerbClarinet
  79 - Clar/Bassoon       101 - Oboes/Cellos       123 - Whistl'n Joe
  80 - Clar/Piccolo       102 - Octave Winds       124 - Wind 1/2
  81 - Clarinet           103 - Pan Pipes          125 - Wind Stack
  82 - Clarinet/Tpt       104 - Phaedra            126 - WindEnsemble
  83 - Clarinola          105 - Piccolo            127 - Winter Signs
  84 - Ctrbsn 8va         106 - Piccolo 8va
  85 - Contrbassoon       107 - Picolo Tpt

Proteus/2 String Patches
PR2_STRN.SYX - Uses patch locations 64 through 126. (17k)
  64 - 3 Octave Pix        86 - Just Violin        108 - Solo Chamber  
  65 - Arco Basses         87 - Legato Str         109 - Solo Cello
  66 - Arco Celli          88 - Marcato 1          110 - Solo Viola
  67 - Arco Duet           89 - Marcato 2          111 - Solo Violin
  68 - Arco Strings        90 - Oboes/Cellos       112 - StereoStrngs
  69 - Arco Violas         91 - Pizz Basses        113 - Str Section
  70 - Arco Violins        92 - Pizz Celli         114 - Strgs/Flutes
  71 - Arco Vlns           93 - Pizz Violas        115 - StrHarmonic
  72 - Basses 8va          94 - Pizz Violins       116 - String Stuff
  73 - Basses&Vios         95 - PizzBass 8va       117 - String Swell
  74 - BassoViolino        96 - Pizzicato 1        118 - String Thing
  75 - Bowed()Pizz         97 - Pizzicato 2        119 - StringStack
  76 - BrassStrings        98 - PizzVlns 8va       120 - StrStackLink
  77 - Celli Violi         99 - Power Cello        121 - Trem Str 8va
  78 - CelloPhane         100 - Quartet            122 - Trem Strings
  79 - Dark Strings       101 - Quartet 2          123 - Violin&Celli
  80 - DuoQuartetto       102 - Quartet 3          124 - Violin&Oboe
  81 - Fat Section        103 - Quintoctave        125 - Violin&Viola
  82 - Fiddle             104 - RoomOfStrings      126 - Vlns&Violas
  83 - ForbodinStrg       105 - Sans Strings       127 - Xylo Piccolo
  84 - HarpStrings        106 - Sctn2Strings
  85 - In The Pit         107 - Solo Cello

Proteus/2 Keyboard Patches
PR2_KEYB.SYX - Uses patch locations 64 through 127. (17k)
  64 - 70 Synth A          86 - Giant Slntem       108 - Prophet Link  
  65 - 70 Synth B          87 - GlassesCB          109 - Reginatron
  66 - AccordianCB         88 - Glitter God        110 - Resting Pad
  67 - BellEnsemble        89 - Harpsicato         111 - Sardonicus
  68 - Bronze Pad          90 - Harpsikord         112 - ShimmerWays
  69 - Calliope            91 - HarpsiSynth        113 - Shnow Sheen
  70 - Carousel            92 - HarpsiThick        114 - Slow Sines
  71 - Chapel Organ        93 - Ice Eleven         115 - Sombre Winds
  72 - CloudChamber        94 - Infinite One       116 - StereoStrngs
  73 - Cyberspace          95 - J-Piano            117 - String Thing
  74 - Cycle Sines         96 - Kosmos Keys        118 - Sympathetic
  75 - Deep Pad            97 - Link2Shimmer       119 - Synthreed
  76 - Dream garden        98 - Lurch Pluck        120 - The Saw
  77 - Dreamscape          99 - Magic Bells        121 - Tinker Bell
  78 - Elec*Gamelan       100 - Moog Lead          122 - Trekkie
  79 - ElectricLady       101 - MysteryScene       123 - TubularBells
  80 - Electrovocal       102 - Myth Maker         124 - TubularPiano
  81 - Exotic Harp        103 - Northern Pad       125 - Vibraphone
  82 - FantasyCB          104 - Piccolodeeyo       126 - Vienna Dream
  83 - Gentle Harp        105 - Pipe Dream         127 - Warm Chamber
  84 - Gently Now         106 - PipesCB
  85 - Giant Moog<<       107 - Prophet Lead

Proteus/2 Percussion Patches
PR2_DRUM.SYX - Uses patch locations 64 through 108. (17k)
  64 - AfroBlocks          86 - Mraca-Snare*       108 - Xylophone
  65 - Armor               87 - Perc-Swel-BD       109 - Reginatron
  66 - Bass Drum           88 - Perc-SwellCym      110 - Resting Pad
  67 - Bass/Snare+         89 - Percussion 1       111 - Sardonicus
  68 - BellEnsemble        90 - Percussion 2       112 - ShimmerWays
  69 - Big Log             91 - Tamb-Crash*        113 - Shnow Sheen
  70 - Celesta             92 - Tb.Bl/Orc.Bl       114 - Slow Sines
  71 - Chime Clock         93 - Temple Bell        115 - Sombre Winds  
  72 - ClangBell           94 - Temple Block       116 - StereoStrngs
  73 - Conga               95 - TempleBlk8va       117 - String Thing
  74 - Conga-SD2*          96 - Timba Mallet       118 - Sympathetic
  75 - Congas*             97 - Timp w/Tone        119 - Synthreed
  76 - Crash*              98 - Timp/Chm/Glk       120 - The Saw
  77 - Deep Drum           99 - Timpani            121 - Tinker Bell
  78 - Early Perc         100 - TimpLowBlock       122 - Trekkie
  79 - Elec*Gamelan       101 - Tinker Bell        123 - TubularBells
  80 - FingerBel          102 - Toms               124 - TubularPiano
  81 - Gamelan            103 - Triangle           125 - Vibraphone
  82 - Magic Bells        104 - TubularBells       126 - Tamborine
  83 - Marimba            105 - Xylo 2 Malet       127 - Sleigh Bells
  84 - Marimbala          106 - Xylo Piccolo
  85 - Mraca-Snare*       107 - Xylo/Temple

Proteus/2 Misc Patches
P2VECTOR.SYX - Uses patch locations 64 through 127. (17k)
  64 - Dark Section        86 - ChicagoSymph       108 - Flute/Picc
  65 - Fiddle Solo         87 - HallOrchestr       109 - Trom/Viols
  66 - SoftOrchNo.1        88 - Whistler's         110 - Iron Ensembl
  67 - ReverbStrngs        89 - VelocityPerc       111 - LFO Trembles  
  68 - GuitarLand          90 - EngHrn/Clar        112 - SoftOrchNo.3
  69 - LightPad 1          91 - BrassSection       113 - DesertHeat 4
  70 - Olde Bande          92 - Oboe/Brass         114 - Documentary
  71 - Vibes&Pads          93 - StereoDrums        115 - Solo Violin
  72 - Concret'eEns        94 - StandupBass        116 - DesertHeat 3
  73 - Strg&Pizz           95 - Dulcet/Mndln       117 - Percu Woods
  74 - TheConductor        96 - ChgoTrombons       118 - Diamond Rain
  75 - PennyWhistle        97 - SynthVocals        119 - Double Harp
  76 - FullOrchNo.1        98 - Kong's court       120 - F.Horn Pad
  77 - StereoStrngs        99 - TremoViols         121 - Voltaire II
  78 - Pipe Organ         100 - FrHn/MfTpt         122 - ConcretWinds
  79 - SoftOrchNo.2       101 - MovieTheme         123 - FullOrchNo.3
  80 - KeyStringPad       102 - ChimeVectr         124 - Flute Xfade
  81 - KeyFlutePad        103 - Timpani Hits       125 - TubularBells
  82 - BigTimpani         104 - HappyMallets       126 - Celtic Harp
  83 - SmolderingHit      105 - Orch. Crash        127 - Church Bells
  84 - Xylo FarEast       106 - FullOrchNo.2
  85 - Tinkles            107 - Strg/Winds

Proteus/2 Factory Patches
PR2_USER.SYX - Uses patch locations 64 through 127. (17k)
  64 - Winter Signs        86 - Infinite One       108 - Vampirical
  65 - Deep Pad            87 - ShimmerWays        109 - String Thing  
  66 - Portamento/F        88 - Turbo Bass         110 - Galapagos
  67 - Bell Ensemble       89 - Requiem            111 - Square One
  68 - Cyberspace          90 - Wrong Room         112 - Square Link
  69 - PizzMoogBass        91 - Analog Pad         113 - < * >
  70 - Marimbala           92 - Chapel Organ       114 - Sardonicus
  71 - GrimReaper          93 - Electrovocal       115 - Master Tron
  72 - Tinker Bell         94 - Fat Boy Tuba       116 - Lo Wind Inst
  73 - Carousel            95 - SawBass/Lead       117 - Sympathetic
  74 - Exotic Harp         96 - Vienna Dream       118 - Windchimes
  75 - Darn Saucers        97 - Vertigo Pad        119 - Boat Haus
  76 - Bronze Pad          98 - Tarkus Twin        120 - Glitter God
  77 - Vibraphone          99 - RoomOfStrngs       121 - Story Bass
  78 - Astral Flute       100 - Magic Bells        122 - Nice Night
  79 - Kool Bass          101 - Reginatron         123 - Prophet Lead
  80 - Sombre Winds       102 - Sub It!            124 - Prophet Link
  81 - Space Cowboy       103 - Psychlotron        125 - Whistl'n Joe
  82 - The Machine        104 - CloudChamber       126 - Link2Shimmer
  83 - Early Perc         105 - Sepulcher          127 - Ascending
  84 - Gently Now         106 - Lurch Pluck
  85 - Piccolodeeyo       107 - Pizz/Piccolo

Proteus/2 More Misc Patches
PR2_MISC.SYX - Uses patch locations 64 through 110. (17k)
  64 - AnalogueMood        86 - HardWindCB         108 - TVasaur
  65 - Bass                87 - Harp/Cel.8va       109 - Violin&Oboe
  66 - Bass & Bass         88 - Harp/Celeste       110 - Vrb Hrn/Bsn
  67 - Bowd Violas         89 - Harpsi/Harp        111 - Square One
  68 - Bowd Violins        90 - Hell World         112 - Square Link
  69 - Bowd Basses         91 - Hi Violins         113 - < * >
  70 - Bowd Cellos         92 - Lo Timp&Bell       114 - Sardonicus
  71 - Bowd Violin         93 - Moon Shaman        115 - Master Tron
  72 - Cel./Glock          94 - Octave Harps       116 - Lo Wind Inst  
  73 - Cimbalon            95 - Paper Pizza        117 - Sympathetic
  74 - ClassGtrCB          96 - PipesCB            118 - Windchimes
  75 - Classic Gtr         97 - Pizz 2 centr       119 - Boat Haus
  76 - Clsic Guitar        98 - Pluck d'Bois       120 - Glitter God
  77 - Dark interval       99 - Rotary Chmbr       121 - Story Bass
  78 - Dazzle             100 - SitarCB            122 - Nice Night
  79 - Devil Dance        101 - SitarCBLink        123 - Prophet Lead
  80 - Doime Block        102 - Synth-N-Pitz       124 - Prophet Link
  81 - Dreamscape         103 - Tamp-Crash*        125 - Whistl'n Joe
  82 - DuoQuartetto       104 - Tamborine          126 - Link2Shimmer
  83 - Eon Machine        105 - The Saw Filt       127 - Ascending
  84 - FField             106 - Tiny Lute
  85 - Growly             107 - Treble Choir

Proteus/2 Sierra Game Patches 1
PR2_SER1.SYX - Uses patch locations 64 through 114. (17k)
  64 - 2 Trps 8va          86 - FROGGER            108 - Tamb-Crash*
  65 - AccordianCB         87 - HardWindCB         109 - Thud
  66 - Armor               88 - Hi Violins         110 - Thunder
  67 - Bird Tweet          89 - Horse              111 - TrumpetCB
  68 - BrassSect           90 - IceBreak           112 - TVasaur
  69 - CEyes               91 - Lock               113 - WhiporillCB
  70 - Chirps              92 - LoneWolf           114 - WhistleCB
  71 - Clap                93 - Mraca-Snare*       115 - Master Tron
  72 - ClassGtrCB          94 - Owl CB             116 - Lo Wind Inst  
  73 - Congas*             95 - Perc-SwelCym       117 - Sympathetic
  74 - Crackles            96 - Pft                118 - Windchimes
  75 - Crash               97 - PipesCB            119 - Boat Haus
  76 - CreakyDoor          98 - RatSqueek          120 - Glitter God
  77 - Crickets            99 - SitarCB            121 - Story Bass
  78 - DoorSlam           100 - SitarCBLink        122 - Nice Night
  79 - Drip               101 - SndTrkCB           123 - Prophet Lead
  80 - Fall               102 - SomeBirdCB         124 - Prophet Link
  81 - FantasyCB          103 - Splash             125 - Whistl'n Joe
  82 - FField             104 - Splat              126 - Link2Shimmer
  83 - FingerBel          105 - Sticky             127 - Ascending
  84 - FireDart           106 - StoneDr
  85 - FrogBnc            107 - SwampBG

Proteus/2 Sierra Game Patches 2
PR2_SER2.SYX - Uses patch locations 64 through 93. (17k)
  64 - 2 Trps 8va          86 - StaffSpin          108 - Vampirical
  65 - Arco Basses         87 - StoneDr            109 - String Thing
  66 - BrassSect           88 - Str Section        110 - Galapagos
  67 - Calliope            89 - Toms               111 - Square One
  68 - CastlGate           90 - Trekkie            112 - Square Link
  69 - ClangBell           91 - TrumpetCB          113 - < * >
  70 - Coins               92 - Wind               114 - Sardonicus
  71 - Conga               93 - WtrFall            115 - Master Tron
  72 - Crash*              94 - Fat Boy Tuba       116 - Lo Wind Inst  
  73 - Dazzle              95 - SawBass/Lead       117 - Sympathetic
  74 - Explode             96 - Vienna Dream       118 - Windchimes
  75 - Flame2              97 - Vertigo Pad        119 - Boat Haus
  76 - Flame3              98 - Tarkus Twin        120 - Glitter God
  77 - GlassesCB           99 - RoomOfStrngs       121 - Story Bass
  78 - Gronk              100 - Magic Bells        122 - Nice Night
  79 - Hoover             101 - Reginatron         123 - Prophet Lead
  80 - Kiss               102 - Sub It!            124 - Prophet Link
  81 - KnifStk            103 - Psychlotron        125 - Whistl'n Joe
  82 - Marimba            104 - CloudChamber       126 - Link2Shimmer
  83 - Sax                105 - Sepulcher          127 - Ascending
  84 - Sizzle             106 - Lurch Pluck
  85 - Snore              107 - Pizz/Piccolo

Proteus/2 Patches, Bank 1
PR2_BNK1.SYX - Uses patch locations 64 through 127. (17k)
Thanks to Edgardo Martinez in Argentina for these patches. They have concert hall reverb built into the patchs.
  64 - Piccolo             86 - Cello             108 - Strings 7
  65 - Flute               87 - StrngChamber      109 - Strings 8
  66 - Oboe                88 - Stringed          110 - Strings 9
  67 - EnglishHorn         89 - Deepwinds1        111 - Strings 10
  68 - Clarinet            90 - Deepwinds2        112 - Strings 11
  69 - BassClar.           91 - Reverbflute       113 - Strings 12
  70 - Bassoon             92 - Reverboboe        114 - Strings 13     
  71 - Cntrbasoon          93 - Reverbbass        115 - Strings 14
  72 - Trumpet 1           94 - ReverbFibass      116 - Strings 15
  73 - Trumpet 2           95 - ReverbViolin      117 - Strings 16
  74 - Trumpet 3           96 - Reverbstring      118 - Strings 17
  75 - FrenchHorn 1        97 - ReverbE.Horn      119 - Strings 18
  76 - FrenchHorn 2        98 - ReverbTrpt        120 - Strings 19
  77 - Trombone 1          99 - ReverbViola       121 - Strings 20
  78 - Trombone 2         100 - Wind1/3tone       122 - Strings 21
  79 - Tuba               101 - Strin1/3tone      123 - Strings 22
  80 - Arco Basses        102 - Strings 1         124 - Strings 23
  81 - Arco Celli         103 - Strings 2         125 - Strings 24
  82 - Arco Violas        104 - Strings 3         126 - Strings 25
  83 - Arco Violins       105 - Strings 4         127 - Sinth 1
  84 - Violin             106 - Strings 5            
  85 - Viola              107 - Strings 6

Proteus/2 Patches, Bank 2
PR2_BNK2.SYX - Uses patch locations 64 through 127. (17k)
Thanks to Edgardo Martinez in Argentina for these patches. A variety of combined sounds.
  64 - Sinth 2             86 - Sinth 24          108 - Pad 5
  65 - Sinth 3             87 - Sinth 25          109 - Pad 6
  66 - Sinth 4             88 - Sinth 26          110 - Pad 7
  67 - Sinth 5             89 - Sinth 27          111 - Pad 8
  68 - Sinth 6             90 - Sinth 28          112 - Pad 9
  69 - Sinth 7             91 - Sinth 29          113 - Pad 10
  70 - Sinth 8             92 - Sinth 30          114 - Pad 11
  71 - Sinth 9             93 - Sinth 31          115 - Pad 12
  72 - Sinth 10            94 - Analog 1          116 - Pad 13
  73 - Sinth 11            95 - Analog 2          117 - Pad 14
  74 - Sinth 12            96 - Analog 3          118 - Pad 15
  75 - Sinth 13            97 - Analog 4          119 - Exfilm 1
  76 - Sinth 14            98 - Analog 5          120 - Exfilm 2
  77 - Sinth 15            99 - Analog 6          121 - Exfilm 3
  78 - Sinth 16           100 - Analog 7          122 - Exfilm 4
  79 - Sinth 17           101 - Analog 8          123 - Exfilm 5
  80 - Sinth 18           102 - Analog 9          124 - Exfilm 6
  81 - Sinth 19           103 - Analog 10         125 - Percstring 1   
  82 - Sinth 20           104 - Pad 1             126 - Percstring 2
  83 - Sinth 21           105 - Pad 2             127 - Percstring 3
  84 - Sinth 22           106 - Pad 3            
  85 - Sinth 23           107 - Pad 4

Proteus/2 Patches, Bank 3
PR2_BNK3.SYX - Uses patch locations 64 through 127. (17k)
Thanks to Edgardo Martinez in Argentina for these patches. A variety of great effects sounds.
  64 - Percstring 4        86 - Cellisine         108 - Vioessence
  65 - Percstring 5        87 - Orchstrings       109 - Sintri
  66 - Xilostring          88 - Wave 1            110 - Ice  
  67 - Fuzzystring         89 - Wave 2            111 - Metallic
  68 - Glockstring1        90 - Wave 3            112 - Pulse
  69 - Glockstring2        91 - Wave 4            113 - Mtlphn PROT1
  70 - Icestring           92 - Wave 5            114 - Water 
  71 - Sfbellstring        93 - Wave 6            115 - Seagulls
  72 - Tacksoftbell        94 - Wave 7            116 - Lowstring1
  73 - Mildsine            95 - Wave 8            117 - Lowstring2
  74 - ReedyVioess         96 - Wave 9            118 - VerySlowStrg   
  75 - Piattistring        97 - Wave 10           119 - Fxstring
  76 - Tamborstring        98 - Fx 1              120 - Percustrings
  77 - Metalharp           99 - Fx 2              121 - Slownylon
  78 - Silverbass         100 - Fx 3              122 - Darkflute
  79 - Growlwave          101 - Fx 4              123 - Obocor  
  80 - IronPlate          102 - Fx 5              124 - Brassy  
  81 - Celesta            103 - IronPlate 1       125 - Wind        
  82 - Harpsi             104 - IronPlate 2       126 - Voice       
  83 - Sinestring         105 - Icebell 1         127 - Bass        
  84 - Stringpiatti       106 - Icebell 2        
  85 - Stringiron         107 - SilverRace

Proteus/2 Patches, Bank 4
PR2_BNK4.SYX - Uses patch locations 64 through 127. (17k)
Thanks to Edgardo Martinez in Argentina for these patches.
  64 - PitchFX1            86 - StringsFX          108 - TambourinFX5  
  65 - PitchFX2            87 - StringsFX          109 - TambourinFX6
  66 - PitchFX3            88 - MetalFX1           110 - TambourinFX7
  67 - PitchFX4            89 - MetalFX2           111 - TambourinFX8
  68 - PitchFX5            90 - MetalFX3           112 - TrainFX1
  69 - PitchFX6            91 - MetalFX4           113 - TrainFX2
  70 - PitchFX7            92 - MetalFX5           114 - TrainFX3
  71 - PitchFX8            93 - MetalFX6           115 - TrainFX4
  72 - SquareFX1           94 - MetalFX7           116 - TrainFX5
  73 - SquareFX2           95 - MetalFX8           117 - TrainFX6
  74 - SquareFX3           96 - RandomFX1          118 - TrainFX7
  75 - SquareFX4           97 - RandomFX2          119 - TrainFX8
  76 - SquareFX5           98 - RandomFX3          120 - WoodwindFX1
  77 - SquareFX6           99 - RandomFX4          121 - WoodwindFX2
  78 - SquareFX7          100 - RandomFX5          122 - WoodwindFX3
  79 - SquareFX8          101 - RandomFX6          123 - WoodwindFX4
  80 - StringsFX1         102 - RandomFX7          124 - WoodwindFX5
  81 - StringsFX2         103 - RandomFX8          125 - WoodwindFX6
  82 - StringsFX3         104 - TambourinFX1       126 - WoodwindFX7
  83 - StringsFX4         105 - TambourinFX2       127 - WoodwindFX8
  84 - StringsFX5         106 - TambourinFX3
  85 - StringsFX6         107 - TambourinFX4

Proteus/2 Patches, Bank 5
PR2_BNK5.SYX - Uses patch locations 64 through 127. (17k)
Thanks to Edgardo Martinez in Argentina for these patches.
  64 - Arco Bases          86 - Growl Wave         108 - Mixed 15
  65 - Arco Celli          87 - HarpsiWave         109 - Mixed 16
  66 - Arco Violas         88 - SteelXtract        110 - Mixed 17
  67 - Arco Violins        89 - Power 5ths         111 - Mixed 18
  68 - Dark Bases          90 - FlitSaw            112 - Mixed 19
  69 - Dark Celli          91 - TwnBellWash        113 - PiccoloRevb   
  70 - Dark Violas         92 - Orch Bells         114 - FluteRevb
  71 - Dark Violins        93 - Iron Plate         115 - OboeRevb
  72 - Strings 1           94 - Mixed 01           116 - EngHornRevb
  73 - Strings 2           95 - Mixed 02           117 - ClarnetRevb
  74 - Strings 3           96 - Mixed 03           118 - BassclarRevb
  75 - Cellos              97 - Mixed 04           119 - BassoonRevb
  76 - Violas              98 - Mixed 05           120 - CBassoonRevb
  77 - Violins             99 - Mixed 06           121 - TrumpetRevb
  78 - Quartet 1          100 - Mixed 07           122 - FrHornRevb
  79 - Quartet 2          101 - Mixed 08           123 - TromboneRevb
  80 - Quartet 3          102 - Mixed 09           124 - TubaRevb
  81 - Quartet 4          103 - Mixed 10           125 - WoodwindRevb
  82 - TackAttack         104 - Mixed 11           126 - BrassRevb
  83 - B3 SE              105 - Mixed 12           127 - WoodBrasRevb
  84 - Electhrode         106 - Mixed 13
  85 - Silver Race        107 - Mixed 14

Do you have any Proteus/2 patch banks that are not shown here? If so, and you'd like to share them on this page, attach them to an E-mail message and send them to the address below.

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Copyright © 2000 - 2002 Don Buczynski
San Diego, California
Last Updated: 9/05/02