Turntable Program Code |
This page contains the source code portion of the Basic Stamp 2 program that controls the turntable. Note that this program is written using the PBASIC 2.5 version. The complete version 2 code and documentation can be downloaded using this link: TurntableV2.zip The original code is available here: Turntable.zip
' ====================================================================== ' TurntableV2.bs2 5-03-2005 '{$STAMP BS2} '{$PBASIC 2.5} ' I/O bit definitions (74C922 and Allegro 3977 stepper controller). KeyData1 PIN 0 ' Keypad chip data in KeyData2 PIN 1 ' Keypad chip data in KeyData4 PIN 2 ' Keypad chip data in KeyData8 PIN 3 ' Keypad chip data in KeyData PIN 4 ' Keypad chip data available KeyEnable PIN 5 ' Keypad chip data read StepClock PIN 6 ' Stepper chip step input StepDir PIN 7 ' Stepper chip step direction StepMs1 PIN 8 ' Stepper chip microstep size input 1 StepMs2 PIN 9 ' Stepper chip microstep size input 2 StepReset PIN 10 ' Stepper chip reset (active low) TurnEnable PIN 11 ' Turnout enable pin SoundPin PIN 12 ' Sound output pin HomeSensor PIN 13 ' Turntable home position sensor KeyEntry PIN 14 ' Keypad data entry Led Heartbeat PIN 15 ' BS2 code heartbeat Led TestMode VAR IN15 ' Mode switch ' Program constants DefaultDir CON %1101111111100000 InitRep CON 150 ' Initial auto-repeat delay AutoRep CON 32 ' Auto-repeat key rate Clockwise CON 1 ' Clockwise rotation CounterClock CON 0 ' Counter-clockwise rotation ' Note: CircleSize, TrackPosH, and TrackPosT point to low memory where the ' position data is stored. Ensure that changes made to program does not cause ' the code to extend below address 44. Verify using the memory map toolbar ' button. CircleSize CON 0 ' Calculated circle size TrackPosH CON 2 ' Programmed head-end positions TrackPosT CON 22 ' Programmed tail-end positions TT1Close CON 8 ' 74LS38 pin 8 TT1Open CON 4 ' 74LS38 pin 11 TT2Close CON 2 ' 74LS38 pin 6 TT2Open CON 1 ' 74LS38 pin 3 ' Program variables Control VAR Word ' Program control bits ProgramMode VAR Control.BIT0 ' 0 = Operate, 1 = Program KeyPressed VAR Control.BIT1 ' 1 = Key pressed MotionKey VAR Control.BIT2 ' 1 = Program mode motion key pressed Alignment VAR Control.BIT3 ' 0 = Head-end, 1 = Tail-end ClearPos VAR Control.BIT4 ' 0 = normal, 1 = clear position data HomeDone VAR Control.BIT5 ' 1 = Turntable FindHome done TT1State VAR Control.BIT6 ' 0 = closed, 1 = open TT2State VAR Control.BIT7 ' 0 = closed, 1 = open RandMvmt VAR Control.BIT8 ' 0 = normal, 1 = random movement LedCount VAR Byte ' Counter for Led state toggle AutoMove VAR Byte ' Automatic movement delay counter InactCount VAR Nib ' Keypad inactivity counter KeyTran VAR Nib ' Translated pressed key value KeyEnt1 VAR Nib ' Keypad first number KeyEnt2 VAR Nib ' Keypad second number Position VAR Word ' Current turntable position MoveWork VAR Word ' Working location MoveSteps VAR Word ' Working location CircleWork VAR Word ' Working location RandomNmbr VAR Word ' Random number for auto move StepDelay VAR Byte ' Step delay working location StepRamp VAR Byte ' Ramp up/down point StepMin CON 8 ' Minimum step delay StepMax CON 20 ' Maximum step delay PosAdj CON 4 ' Gear backlash movement InitPos CON 8 ' Power up track position InitEnd CON 11 ' Power up bridge end position RandomMove CON 255 ' Random movement time delay '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' This section initializes all working variables to power on settings. ProgramStart: DIRS = DefaultDir ' Set default I/O direction bits LOW TurnEnable ' Disable turnouts HIGH KeyEnable ' Deselect keypad chip HIGH Heartbeat ' Turn off heartbeat led HIGH KeyEntry ' Turn off 1st entry led AutoMove = RandomMove ' Set initial random move count HIGH StepMs1 ' Select 8x microstepping HIGH StepMs2 ' Select 8x microstepping HIGH StepReset ' Remove stepper chip reset INPUT Heartbeat ' Set pin to input IF TestMode = 0 THEN TestLoop ' Run test code if in test mode OUTPUT Heartbeat ' Set pin to output GOSUB FindHome ' Find reference sensor READ CircleSize, CircleWork.HIGHBYTE ' Get the saved circle size READ CircleSize +1, CircleWork.LOWBYTE IF HomeDone = 1 THEN ' Home position found? IF InitPos <> 0 AND InitEnd <> 0 THEN ' Initial track specified? KeyEnt1 = InitPos ' Set initial track position KeyEnt2 = InitEnd GOSUB OperMove ' Process motion operation ENDIF ENDIF '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Begin main program loop. Each iteration decrements the LedCount variable. ' Calls are made to subroutines for processing of keypad input. In programming ' mode, the heartbeat timing loop counter (LedCount) is used for the initial ' and subsequent auto-repeat time delay. MainLoop: PAUSE 1 ' Adjust for 1 second heartbeat LedCount = LedCount - 1 ' Decrement heartbeat indicator timer IF LedCount = 0 THEN ' Heartbeat Led state change? IF ProgramMode = 1 THEN ' Programming mode? LOW Heartbeat ' Heartbeat Led on solid ELSE TOGGLE Heartbeat ' Change heartbeat Led state IF RandomMove <> 0 THEN ' Random turntable movement enabled? IF AutoMove = 0 THEN ' Random move delay expired? GOSUB RandMove ' Yes, position to a random track ELSE AutoMove = AutoMove - 1 ' Decrement auto move delay ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF IF KeyEntry = 0 THEN ' Waiting for second keypad input? IF KeyPressed = 0 THEN ' Yes. Is key still presssed? IF InactCount = 0 THEN ' No. Has inactivity timer expired? HIGH KeyEntry ' Yes, turn off 1st entry Led ELSE InactCount = InactCount - 1 ' Decrement inactivity counter ENDIF ENDIF ELSE IF KeyPressed = 1 THEN ' Is key still presssed? IF ProgramMode = 1 THEN ' Yes. Programming mode? IF MotionKey = 1 THEN ' Yes. Motion command entered? KeyPressed = 0 ' Reset key pressed flag LedCount = AutoRep ' Subsequent key auto-repeat delay ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF IF KeyData = 1 THEN ' Keypad input available? IF KeyPressed = 0 THEN ' New key closure? GOSUB KeyPadIn ' Read key number and save KeyPressed = 1 ' Set key pressed flag IF RandomMove <> 0 THEN ' Random turntable movement enabled? AutoMove = RandomMove ' Reset auto move time delay ENDIF IF ProgramMode = 1 AND MotionKey = 1 THEN IF LedCount <> AutoRep THEN LedCount = InitRep ' Set initial key auto-repeat delay ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ELSE KeyPressed = 0 ' Reset key pressed flag MotionKey = 0 ENDIF GOTO MainLoop ' Loop forever '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' This code is called to process keypad input. The current program mode ' (Operate or Program) determines how the inputs are acted upon. We need ' to translate the read key value due to the wiring of a 12 keypad device ' to a 16 key 74C922 encoder. KeyPadIn: LOW KeyEnable ' Enable keypad data read LOOKUP INA, [1, 2, 3, 15, 4, 5, 6, 15, 7, 8, 9, 15, 10, 0, 11, 15], KeyTran HIGH KeyEnable ' Disable keypad data read IF KeyTran = 15 THEN ' Invalid key entered? GOSUB SoundOut ' Sound warning tones RETURN ENDIF IF KeyEntry = 1 THEN ' First entry led off? KeyEnt1 = KeyTran ' Yes, store 1st value IF ProgramMode = 1 THEN ' Programming mode? KeyTran = 15 ' Initialize test variable LOOKDOWN KeyEnt1, [1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9], KeyTran IF KeyTran <> 15 THEN ' Motion command entered? GOSUB PrgmMove ' Yes, process motion key MotionKey = 1 ' Set motion key flag for auto-repeat. RETURN ENDIF MotionKey = 0 ' Reset motion key flag LOOKDOWN KeyEnt1, [0, 2, 5, 8], KeyTran IF KeyTran <> 15 THEN ' Option command entered? GOSUB PrgmOption ' Process option key RETURN ENDIF ENDIF LOW KeyEntry ' Turn on 1st entry Led InactCount = 10 ' Set inactivity timer ELSE KeyEnt2 = KeyTran ' Store 2nd value HIGH KeyEntry ' Turn off 1st entry Led InactCount = 0 ' Reset inactivity timer IF KeyEnt1 = 10 AND KeyEnt2 = 10 THEN ' '**' entered? ProgramMode = ~ProgramMode ' Yes, change program mode ELSEIF KeyEnt1 = 1 AND KeyEnt2 = 1 THEN ' Toggle TT1 ? GOSUB TurnoutToggle ' Yes, do it ELSEIF KeyEnt1 = 2 AND KeyEnt2 = 2 THEN ' Toggle TT2 ? GOSUB TurnoutToggle ' Yes, do it ELSEIF KeyEnt1 = 0 AND KeyEnt2 = 0 THEN ' Re-index to home sensor ? GOSUB FindHome ' Yes, do it ELSE IF ProgramMode = 0 THEN ' Operate mode? GOSUB OperMove ' Process motion operation ELSE GOSUB PrgmPosition ' Store position information ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF RETURN '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' This code is called to process the move command keypad input (keys: 1, 3, ' 4, 6, 7, and 9) as defined in the program mode description. PrgmMove: IF CircleWork = 0 THEN ' Zero value CircleWork? GOSUB SoundOut1 ' Sound warning tone RETURN ENDIF LOOKUP KeyEnt1, [0, -1, 0, 1, -64, 0, 64, -128, 0, 128], MoveSteps IF MoveSteps > 32767 THEN ' Negative MoveSteps? MoveSteps = ABS MoveSteps StepDir = CounterClock ' Step counter-clockwise IF Position < MoveSteps THEN Position = (CircleWork + Position) - MoveSteps ELSE Position = Position - MoveSteps ENDIF ELSE StepDir = Clockwise ' Step clockwise IF MoveSteps > (CircleWork - Position) THEN Position = Position + MoveSteps - CircleWork ELSE Position = Position + MoveSteps ENDIF ENDIF GOSUB DoSteps ' Move the turntable RETURN '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' This code is called to process the option command keypad input (keys: 0, ' 2, 5, and 8) as defined in the program mode description. PrgmOption: SELECT KeyEnt1 CASE 0 GOSUB FindHome ' Find reference sensor GOSUB CalCircle ' Determine circle size CASE 2 Alignment = 0 ' Set head-end alignment FREQOUT SoundPin, 15, 523 ' Confirm key press CASE 5 Alignment = 1 ' Set tail-end alignment FREQOUT SoundPin, 15, 523 ' Confirm key press CASE 8 ClearPos = 1 ' Set position clear flag CASE ELSE GOSUB SoundOut ' Sound invalid key tone ENDSELECT RETURN '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' This code is called to process the position store command keypad input (two ' keys: #x) as defined in the program mode description. A location is written ' only if necessary. PrgmPosition: IF KeyEnt1 = 11 AND KeyEnt2 < 10 THEN ' Must have entered #x IF HomeDone = 0 THEN ' Home position found yet? GOSUB SoundOut1 ' No, sound warning tone ELSEIF Alignment = 0 THEN READ TrackPosH + KeyEnt2*2, MoveWork.HIGHBYTE ' Get current entry position READ TrackPosH + KeyEnt2*2+1, MoveWork.LOWBYTE IF ClearPos = 1 THEN IF MoveWork.HIGHBYTE <> 0 THEN WRITE TrackPosH + KeyEnt2*2, 0 ' Clear head-end position ENDIF IF MoveWork.LOWBYTE <> 0 THEN WRITE TrackPosH + KeyEnt2*2+1, 0 ENDIF ELSE IF MoveWork.HIGHBYTE <> Position.HIGHBYTE THEN WRITE TrackPosH + KeyEnt2*2, Position.HIGHBYTE ' Head-end position ENDIF IF MoveWork.LOWBYTE <> Position.LOWBYTE THEN WRITE TrackPosH + KeyEnt2*2+1, Position.LOWBYTE ENDIF ENDIF ELSE READ TrackPosT + KeyEnt2*2, MoveWork.HIGHBYTE ' Get current entry position READ TrackPosT + KeyEnt2*2+1, MoveWork.LOWBYTE IF ClearPos = 1 THEN IF MoveWork.HIGHBYTE <> 0 THEN WRITE TrackPosT + KeyEnt2*2, 0 ' Clear tail-end position ENDIF IF MoveWork.LOWBYTE <> 0 THEN WRITE TrackPosT + KeyEnt2*2+1, 0 ENDIF ELSE IF MoveWork.HIGHBYTE <> Position.HIGHBYTE THEN WRITE TrackPosT + KeyEnt2*2, Position.HIGHBYTE ' Tail-end position ENDIF IF MoveWork.LOWBYTE <> Position.LOWBYTE THEN WRITE TrackPosT + KeyEnt2*2+1, Position.LOWBYTE ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF Alignment = 0 ' Set default alignment ClearPos = 0 ' Reset position clear flag ELSE GOSUB SoundOut ' Sound warning tones ENDIF RETURN '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' This code is called to process move command keypad input (two keys: x# or ' x*) as defined in the operate mode description. All positioning terminates ' in a clockwise direction to account for gear backlash. The PosAdj constant ' provides for the amount of move depending on gear system used. OperMove: IF KeyEnt1 < 10 AND KeyEnt2 > 9 THEN ' Must have entered x# or x* IF KeyEnt2 = 11 THEN ' Head-end alignment? READ TrackPosH + KeyEnt1*2, MoveWork.HIGHBYTE ' Yes, Get head-end position READ TrackPosH + KeyEnt1*2+1, MoveWork.LOWBYTE ELSE READ TrackPosT + KeyEnt1*2, MoveWork.HIGHBYTE ' No, Get tail-end position READ TrackPosT + KeyEnt1*2+1, MoveWork.LOWBYTE ENDIF IF MoveWork = 0 THEN ' Position programmed? IF RandMvmt = 0 THEN ' Warning if not random movement GOSUB SoundOut2 ' Sound warning tone ENDIF RETURN ENDIF IF HomeDone = 0 THEN ' Found reference position yet? GOSUB FindHome ' No, find it. ENDIF IF CircleWork = 0 THEN ' Zero value CircleWork? GOSUB SoundOut1 ' Sound warning tone RETURN ENDIF IF MoveWork <> Position THEN ' Not at new position? IF MoveWork > Position THEN ' Compute steps to move MoveSteps = MoveWork - Position StepDir = Clockwise ' Move clockwise ELSE MoveSteps = Position - MoveWork StepDir = CounterClock ' Move counter-clockwise ENDIF IF MoveSteps > (CircleWork / 2) THEN ' Shorter in other direction? StepDir = ~StepDir ' Yes. MoveSteps = CircleWork - MoveSteps ENDIF GOSUB DoSteps ' Move the turntable IF StepDir = CounterClock THEN ' Counter clockwise move? MoveSteps = PosAdj ' Yes, account for gear backlash GOSUB DoSteps ' Move the turntable MoveSteps = PosAdj ' Step to proper position StepDir = ~StepDir ' Reverse direction GOSUB DoSteps ' Move the turntable ENDIF Position = MoveWork ' Set new current position ENDIF ELSE GOSUB SoundOut ' Sound warning tones ENDIF RETURN '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' This code is called to position to the turntable to a random position. If ' the position has not been programmed, no movement occurs. RandMove: RANDOM RandomNmbr ' Get a random number IF ProgramMode = 0 THEN ' Not in programming mode? KeyEnt1 = RandomNmbr DIG 1 ' Set track position KeyEnt2 = 10 + RandomNmbr.BIT0 ' Set bridge end RandMvmt = 1 ' Set random movement flag GOSUB OperMove ' Process motion operation RandMvmt = 0 ' Reset random movement flag ENDIF AutoMove = RandomMove ' Reset auto move time delay RETURN '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' This code is called to position to the turntable home position sensor. It ' is done in a counter-clockwise direction. Once the sensor is found, we step ' through it until the sensor again in-active. An additional move for gear ' backlash is then performed. We then step clockwise until the sensor is ' again active. The reference position is the first step that the sensor goes ' active in the clockwise direction. FindHome: IF HomeSensor = 1 THEN ' Already at home position? MoveSteps = 200 ' Set step size to clear sensor StepDir = Clockwise ' Step clockwise GOSUB DoSteps ' Move the turntable ENDIF MoveSteps = 1 ' Set step size StepDir = CounterClock ' Step counter-clockwise DO GOSUB DoSteps ' Move the turntable LOOP UNTIL (HomeSensor = 1) ' Step until sensor is active GOSUB DoSteps ' Make sure sensor is active DO GOSUB DoSteps ' Move the turntable LOOP UNTIL (HomeSensor = 0) ' Step until sensor is inactive FOR StepRamp = PosAdj TO 0 STEP -1 ' Additional move for gear backlash GOSUB DoSteps ' Move the turntable NEXT StepDir = Clockwise ' Step clockwise DO GOSUB DoSteps ' Move the turntable slowly PAUSE 20 LOOP UNTIL (HomeSensor = 1) ' Step until sensor is active GOSUB DoSteps ' Make sure sensor is active Position = 0 ' Set current turntable position HomeDone = 1 ' Mark home performed bit RETURN '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' This code is called to determine the total number of steps in the circle. ' It assumes that the FindHome routine was called previously and that the ' turntable is currently in the home position. The calculated size is stored ' in NVRAM. CalCircle: StepDir = Clockwise ' Step clockwise MoveSteps = 200 ' Set step size to clear sensor GOSUB DoSteps ' Move the turntable MoveWork = 200 MoveSteps = 1 ' Set step size DO WHILE (HomeSensor = 0) GOSUB DoSteps ' Move the turntable MoveWork = MoveWork + 1 IF MoveWork = $FFFF THEN ' If overflow, circle too big GOSUB SoundOut2 ' Need less steps in circle RETURN ENDIF LOOP GOSUB DoSteps ' Make sure sensor is active MoveWork = MoveWork + 1 READ CircleSize, CircleWork.HIGHBYTE ' Get the saved circle size READ CircleSize +1, CircleWork.LOWBYTE IF CircleWork <> MoveWork THEN WRITE CircleSize, MoveWork.HIGHBYTE ' Save new circle size WRITE CircleSize +1, MoveWork.LOWBYTE ENDIF CircleWork = MoveWork ' Set new circle size Alignment = 0 ' Set default alignment value ClearPos = 0 ' Reset position clear flag RETURN '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' This code is called to position the turntable. MoveSteps contains the ' step count. StepDir must be set by the calling routine to the required ' rotation direction. ' ' The variables StepDelay, StepRamp, StepMin, and StepMax are used to ' effect the delay between each step pulse. Stepping begins using StepMax ' (slowest motor rotation) and gradually decrease to StepMin (fastest ' motor rotation). At the mid point of the MoveSteps count, the delay ' period will begin increasing toward the StepMax value. This technique ' serves to smoothly ramp up/down the motor speed. DoSteps: IF MoveSteps = 1 THEN ' Special case 1 step code HIGH StepClock ' Pulse the step pin LOW StepClock PAUSE 5 ' Don't step too fast ELSE StepRamp = 0 ' Initialize speed ramp StepDelay = StepMax ' Set slowest motor speed DO WHILE (MoveSteps > 0) HIGH StepClock ' Pulse the step pin LOW StepClock MoveSteps = MoveSteps - 1 ' Decrement MoveSteps value PAUSE StepDelay IF MoveSteps <= StepRamp THEN StepDelay = StepDelay + 1 ' Increase delay ELSEIF StepDelay > StepMin THEN StepDelay = StepDelay - 1 ' Decrease delay StepRamp = StepRamp + 1 ' Increment slowdown point ENDIF IF (MoveSteps // 10) = 0 THEN TOGGLE KeyEntry ' Toggle first entry led ENDIF LOOP HIGH KeyEntry ' Turn off first entry led ENDIF RETURN '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' This code is called to sound the invalid keypad input warning tones. SoundOut: FREQOUT SoundPin, 200, 1046 ' Sound note C PAUSE 100 SoundOut1: FREQOUT SoundPin, 200, 1318 ' Sound note E PAUSE 100 SoundOut2: FREQOUT SoundPin, 200, 1568 ' Sound note G RETURN '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' This code is called to change the position of the KeyEnt1 specified ' turnout. TurnoutToggle: KeyEnt2 = 0 ' Initialize select nothing IF KeyEnt1 = 1 THEN TT1State = ~TT1State ' Remember new state IF TT1State = 0 THEN KeyEnt2 = TT1Open ' Select TT1Open ELSE KeyEnt2 = TT1Close ' Select TT1Close ENDIF ENDIF IF KeyEnt1 = 2 THEN TT2State = ~TT2State ' Remember new state IF TT2State = 0 THEN KeyEnt2 = TT2Open ' Select TT2Open ELSE KeyEnt2 = TT2Close ' Select TT2Close ENDIF ENDIF DIRA = %1111 ' Set control bits to output OUTA = KeyEnt2 ' Set selected turnout HIGH TurnEnable ' Energize turnout coil PAUSE 250 LOW TurnEnable ' De-energize turnout coil OUTA = 0 ' Clear output bits DIRA = 0 ' Reset I/O bits to input RETURN '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' This code is called when the mode switch is placed into the on (TestMode ' = 0) position. TestLoop: MoveSteps = 1 ' Set step size StepDir = Clockwise ' Step clockwise ClearPos = 0 ' Clear flag StepDir = ~StepDir ' Change direction KeyEntry = StepDir ' Set data entry led FOR MoveWork = 1 TO 420 GOSUB DoSteps ' Move the turntable IF HomeSensor = 1 THEN ' Sensor active IF ClearPos = 0 THEN ' Tone already output? FREQOUT SoundPin, 50, 1046 ' No, sound tone ClearPos = 1 ' Set tone output flag ENDIF ENDIF IF KeyData = 1 THEN ' Keypad input available? IF KeyPressed = 0 THEN ' New key closure? LOW KeyEnable ' Enable keypad data read LOOKUP INA, [1, 2, 3, 15, 4, 5, 6, 15, 7, 8, 9, 15, 10, 0, 11, 15], KeyEnt1 HIGH KeyEnable ' Disable keypad data read FOR KeyEnt2 = 1 TO KeyEnt1 FREQOUT SoundPin, 100, 784 ' Sound tone PAUSE 100 NEXT KeyPressed = 1 ' Set key pressed flag ENDIF ELSE KeyPressed = 0 ' Reset key pressed flag ENDIF NEXT KeyEnt1 = 1 GOSUB TurnoutToggle PAUSE 500 KeyEnt1 = 2 GOSUB TurnoutToggle PAUSE 500 GOTO TestLoop ' ======================================================================
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Copyright © 2006 Don Buczynski
San Diego, California